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thence to Post office where I got sealed letter registered and sent off under special delivery. [[underline]] Unless I am very much mistaken this invention will prove important in the future. I intend to concentrate all my efforts on this subject during this summer.[[/underline]] (See my labortory notes).
[[margin - Bakelite!]]
July 12 Worked in lab all afternoon making samples of B. solution [[written above - Bakelite solution]] for Berry Brothers so as to correct Novalak
Afternoon spent in New York at development and Funding Co. in consultation remaining there until after 6:30 P.M. with Marsh Charge 1/2 day
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July 13 A very active day which I spent in my laboratory on further research work on [[underline]]Bakalite [[/underline]].
Thurlow worked on [[underline]] acetone formaldehyde and acetone - phenol products. [[/underline]]
See laboratory notes
July 14 Sunday, Started very early in my laboratory. Obtained [[underline]] the first large sample of Bakalite in a bottle [[/underline]] The subject looks very encouraging. I believe I have an excellent thing. and it would be a great disappointment if my patent application had been preceeded by an earlier invention of somebody else.
July 15 Got a telegram from Townsend that [[underline]] Bakalite [[/underline]] patent has been filed at Patent Office last Saturday.
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