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[[preprinted]] 22 [[/preprinted]]
a copy of the paper I am about to read at the Society of Chemical Industry.
Spent remainder of the day in consultation with E. H. Hooker and Marsh relative to improvements of operation.
[[margin]] May 9. [[/margin]] Spent another full day assisted by Lewis putting the machinery of the motor car in good order.
[[margin]] May 10 11-12-13 14-15 [[/margin]] Spent all these days putting defective parts of auto in good shape. On the 15th we went to the Japanese reception at Sherrys.
Drove by auto to New York and back and returned home without anything going wrong with the 
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[[preprinted]] 23 [[/preprinted]]
auto.  arrived home at about 1P.M.
I was struck with the prevailing small size of all the Japanese
[[margin]] May 16. [[/margin]] Spent [[underline]] one day [[underlined]] at office of Developm. & Fund. Co. dictating letters, consulting with Marsh rewriting article for Electrochemical Industry etc.
[[margin]] 1) x [[/margin]]
[[margin]] May 16 & 17th & 18th [[/margin]] More necessary work on auto. I discover now that clutch bearings have been entirely misplaced and that we shall have to take the whole thing apart. 
I made some experiments with soybeans.
Digested cold soy powdered beans with:
[[margin]] Experiments with Soy Beans for food [[/margin]]