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1. NaCl: 10% solution
2. NaOH: 1% solution
I did the same thing with soy previously deprived of oil by extraction with CCl4.
Results: NaCl solution had dissolved a very small quantity of proteinols precipitable by considerable dilution but even then the amount was so small as to cause only a slight precipitate.
Same result for Soy extracted with CCl4
NaOH had dissolved considerable amounts which were reprecipitated after adding acetic acid.
But I am inclined to think that fats may have been saponified
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This was not the case with the Soy of which the fat had been extracted previously by CCl4 and the latter method would seem the most advisable one.
I also tried roasting soy beans as beans, in powder. as beans soaked in water with salt. Roasting in each case develops a very pleasant taste and destroys the characteristic disagreeable taste of raw peas.
I intend to investigate this further.
In the mean time I have repeated my experiments with NaOH and NaCl using a 1/2% NaOH solution and a 5% salt solution and warming on waterbath over
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