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and stayed for supper.
[[margin - Simplicity of life]]
We also received visit of Mr.& Mrs. Jewett. Topic of conversation: simplicity of life: [[wrong of hunting from one to another?]]; necessity of home life so as to contribute directly to education of children. Mr. J. makes an excellent impression. he is the son of a theologian and [[?]] often has little use of narrow-minded theology.
May 20 [[margin - 1)X]]
Spent [[underlined]]one day[[/underlined]] at office of Hooker  D. & F.Co. finishing article for Electochemical Industry. writing letters consulting with Marsh and attending to publication arrangements for report of my paper on Dr. Roebers
[[end page]]  
[[start page]]
Journal of (Electrochemical)
[[Margin - More and more troubles with my "Peerless motor car stupid and reckless machinists]]
May 21. Yesterday Lewis spent the day taking off clutch of motor car. I now see the trouble. With the same outrageous carelessness the Peerless Motor Car Co. have made a complete botch of this job too. Put wrong ball bearings on race so that spring has no bearing. Furthermore they have replaced the brass bushing of clutch but forgot to bore oil hole through so there was no oiling and the stud has begun cutting and the "race" could not operate. 
I also notice that they committed another stupid blunder on the jaw of the clutch. This jaw has been widened so that it bears against the yoke of the clutch and