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then washing out the water with amylalcohol which does not dissolve nitrocellulose but removes the remaining water. Then by redistillation of the fusel oil they were able to dehydrate the latter and the nitrocellulose never became dry [[strike through]] until[[/strike through]] before dissolving. As substratum for producing adherence they used: Silicate of Na as beneficial ingredient in the other the beneficial ingredient was gelatine.
Silicate of soda was dropped in favor of gelatine. They used 
silicate as long as their dope contained amylacetate.
Cinematograph films are 0.005 of an inch thick, some
film was made 0.0032 of an inch
[[Margin - Cinematograph films.]]
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The substratum was applied in a pool (jelly) and squeegeed on.
All the remainder of the day was devoted to write up testimony for
damage suit against Niagara Plant.
May 30. Wrote some letters in the morning and finished writing up testimony for D.& F. case. [[underline]]1/3 day[[underline]]
[[margin- 1/3/x]]
Drove to fetch Baskerville and family in New York. George was
with me. Lewis had a day off. Saw many warships from Riverside
Drive. American French. Italian. Austrian. South American.
Met end of Decoration day parade
Brought Baskerville & family here about 1 P.M. They spent all afternoon here and stayed for supper. B. told me he was working on the [[underline]] production [[/underline]]
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