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of Radium which if successful would mark an epoch in chemistry.
Thurlow was in Laboratory and told me he had obtained some further encouraging results in new synthetic product solvent of nitrocellulose.
Drove the Baskervilles and their two children home at night. Nina and George accompanied me. We arrived here at about 10:15 P.M.
[[margin - the Baskervilles visit us.]]
[[strikethrough]]June 1.[//strikethrough]] May 31. Spent most of the day in the laboratory, with Thurlow
June 1./ Spent day partially in Laboratory partially fitting up car with odometer. Drove to Young's in afternoon. In evening went for a small drive with Mandels.
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[[start page]] 
June 2 (Sunday) Rainy and cold. Last number of "Science". contains my Essay on the dangers of Overspecialization. Did some work in the laboratory and on motor car. In the afternoon received visit of Erdmann who came for information about his european motor trip.
June 3. Rainy cold weather again. Spent [[underline]] 1/3 day [[/underline]] office D. & F. Co Dictating letters, consulting, etc.
[[margin - 1/3x]]
June 4/. First Sunny day since ever so long. Did some letter writing. Wrote to Hooper how death of Mr. Berry will affect our Novalak plans.
Was busy in laboratory with Soy beans and made also some experiments with bisulphite
[[margin - Mr. Berry dies wrote to Hooper how his death will affect our Novolak plans]]