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[[margin - Metz]]
from the "Giant Scotchman" at the "End of the World" show, to the manager of the Scenic railway.
[[margin - Shiphaus]]
We tried to lose Schipphaus by giving in the hands of the giant of the "End of the World" who led him in a labyrinth. Drove home at 5 P.M. with Zinsser, Moore, & Bowman. Car ran beautifully over that excellent Coney Island [[strikethrough]] Drive [[/strikethrough]] Boulevard.
Took supper at Mouquins then all went to Princeton Club thence home.
Put Zinsser at his house about 11:30 P.M.
[margin - Zinsser]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
June 23. Sunday. Spent all day busily in my laboratory [[strikethrough]] whic will [[/strikethrough]] research work on Bakalite and similar problems.
[[margin - Bakalite further successes]]
June 24. Same very busy day. [[underlined]] I think I have established now the proper foundations for Bakalite also for the [[/underlined]] wood hardening process which Thurlow worked so unsuccessfully and at the same time I have found the means for considerably improving Novolak Varnish.
Poor sleep since several days. To night at 2 P.M. concluded that it was better to go up to my study room and finish some writing.