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rain. While in laboratory saw a large spark between stovepipe [[strikethrough]] smoke stack [[/strikethrough]] on ceiling and gas pipe [[strikethrough]] which ? off [[/strikethrough]] with snapping noise. This is the second time I observed this. 
Sept 22. (Sunday) Rainy day. Worked in lab in morning. Visit of Mr. Steinhardt.
Sept 23 Rains torrrents. went to New York got drenched several times  Spent 1/2 day office development & Funding Co. Then went to [[strikethrough]] libr [[/strikethrough]] Astor library to look up literature referring to aldehyd and phenol. Took supper in New York. rain rain rain. Arrived home late in evening.
[[margin - 1/2X]]
Sept 24. Worked all day in lab.Told to [[underline]] Thurlow [[/underline]] about my general results
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in Bakalite researches. 
Sept 25. Worked in lab all day Made up new patent specification for the use of bases as condensing agents for Bakalite. Read same to Thurlow. Very windy & cold Sent registered letter to Townsend by Thurlow
Sept 26 Cold clear weather in morning. Worked all day in lab. A cold night
Sept 27 Worked all day in lab. Consultation with Marsh over telephone. [[underline]] I read to Thurlow my work on varnishes with alkaline condensing agents [[/underline]]
[[margin - Bakelite varnishes]]
Sept 28. Started early in the morning in laboratory on varnish. At 12:30 drove with Lewis to 72nd st. to fetch Dr. Charles Parsons of Durham N. H.  brought him up here about 3 P.M. went back in pouring rain storm [[strikethrough]] and came [[/strikethrough]] to Bogert's lab. George was with us came back here about 7 P.M. the rain continuing unabated
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