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took supper at Toch's house.
Evening reception at Chemist Club and opening of annual meeting 
of Am. Electrochemical Society.
Made acquaintance there of [[underline]] Rhodin [[/underline]] who seemed half tipsy. Told me he had bought right of Storey patent and they were making ebonite substitute with it in England.
[[underline]] Showed Bakalite samples to
Dr. Weidemann in Chemist [[/underline]] Club and to [[underline]] Saunders of Norton Emeri Company [[/underline]]. I showed samples of Bakalite and Carborundum Bakalite. He seemed very eager to get the material and he told afterwards to Thurlow that Mr Higgins, the manager of 
[[margin - Story, Wiechmann]] 
[[margin - Grinding wheels Carborundum Saunders & Higgins of Norton Co see my samples]]
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start page]]
his company had shown great interest and was impatient to get samples. I promised samples for later. [[strikethrough]] Took supper at [[/strikethrough]] Went afterwards to Cumberland Hotel where most members were stopping. 
The Comptroller Metz to us in his automobile to Toch's and from there to Belmont where I stayed over night.
Oct 18. Went to Chemists Club in morning to hear some lectures 
told to Prof. Tucker about Graphite-Bakalite as a conductor and showed him sample.
[[margin - Bakelite - Graphite Prof. Tucker]]
Lunch at Cumberland Hotel where I sat next to [[underline]] Morris Loeb [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] We wen [[/strikethrough]] who told me
[[margin - Morris Loeb]]
[[/end page]]