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how grinding wheels with a wooden or (bakalized wooden) core could be made and how we could use Bakalized paper pulp for the same purpose. I drove them with the car to 72d st in the evening.
I took lunch alone at Mouquin's then went to Chemist's Club and came home about midnight.
Dec 7. Went to New York to deliver my bonds to Lawrence Turner & Co and got their check for $8500.00 which I deposited the same day with F. L. Seligsberg 
They agreeing to pay me call money water. Spent from [[underline]] 12 to 1 1/2 PM at D & F Co. [[/underline]] Took lunch at Lunch Club at Mouquins. In the evening members of Anvil Club at Chas S. Otis. Subject\Ship - subsidies by Lansing. 
[[margin note: 1/6 day]]
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Dec 8. Sunday. Beautiful mild day
Did some work in lab. Afternoon conference with W. S. Spiegelberg Steinhardt, Wallace & their salesperson. Came to submit me their proposition of reorganizing their company and generally reducing expenses and ask my advice. Conference lasted from 2:30 to 5 P.M.
Dec 9. Worked in my lab. All day. Obtained fine results with polished Bakalite fiber board. 
Dec 10. Rain storm all day. Sent samples of [[underline]] billard balls [[/underline]] to Mali. Sent also samples of Bakalite Alumdum grinding wheels to Jephsson of Norton Co and wrote letter explaining the use of Bakalite for their purposes
Sent him can of thick A and
[[margin notes: 
Washington Speigelberg
Billard balls]]