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more beauty to the same features if the light had come from the other side.  I have worked very earnestly and carefully in order to make as interesting a picture of Ollie as I could under the circumstances and I have postponed writing until I could say something satisfactory.  I have softened the shadow over the face so as to make the picture look more pleasant and agreeable.  the likeness appears to please and Georgie and the Ryersons think quite favourably of it.  I intend taking it to Newark and see what Bell and Peter think of it.  I intend to touch it carefully again after a few days and hearing various opinions about it. I would ^like^ you all to see it now before I touch it again.  How would it do when I am in New York to go and show it to Mr. Fred [[Houton?]] to hear his remarks.  when I look up occasionally at the little distance at the picture I can see the likeness of Ollie very distinctly but the portrait
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will have to speak for itself.  I would like now to see the other small photograph you have got of Ollie to consider whether a better likeness and picture could be made from it.  I feel much sympathy with you & Frankie and all the family as the affliction you have all suffered in having as interesting and as dear a relative taken from you all so sudden and as unexpectedly in her youthfull prime.  we may wonder at the mysteries of Providence.  God help us all to be humble and submissive to whatever trials may be [[laid?]] before us in this our journey through this [[present?]] world.  the uncertainties of life makes it self evident that this is not our place of rest.  Let us be thankfull that there is an Almighty Savior the Lord Jesus Christ, who in life and death is the only hope and a refuge of poor fallen humanity - hoping for the welfare of you all - both in temporal and spiritual blessings and wishing you all a happy new year.
I am ^your^ affectionate father  
George Linen
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