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The amount I gave him in 1826 was 3 notes $1207.85 and in 1829 $312 in 2 notes. --------- 312.00 cash [[underline]] including a draft on D. Walker $602 - [[/underline]] I do not at this moment recollect, the amount now due is 2 notes one for $324 the other $276.49 for which he sues. We think he has learned something from Balt'e perhaps your urging a statement of acc't and he thinks he had better have these notes arranged at once, so that they will be put out of my power to bring them legally before the Trustees. He advised me to give these notes to pay up the 8 pr C. claim, as then the stockholders could have no claim to sell, and that he would not use the notes in the market, that I should pay them when convenient (this promise he afterward forfeited in one note of $100 to Mr. Ruthman which I let be protested intentionally) "R. Peale Boston Mar 7, 1834 D. Sir I this day send the notes I hold of your signing, for payment sent to Hugh Maxwell Esq. If you cannot now pay them, I have requested him to accept renewals at 6 and 12 months. -- If you can now pay the whole or part I should be glad, -- In your last I notice that you call it a museum debt. I was not aware that you had thought so for the first five years after giving them -- and now I [[strikethrough]] should [[/strikethrough]] think I should look a little awkward in presenting these notes to the Treasurer as claims set up by me against the museum. I wish the museum affair was finally settled -- and regret (more than the amount lost) that I ever have -- no matter, I'l not finish this sentance. with kind remembrance to Mr. Peale Yours respectfully H. Robin