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My Dear Madam

I hasten to inclose you the Bill of lading of the chimney Pieces I have had made for Mr. Brevoort. The present stagnation of the American trade...prevented their being shipped until now. They have lain long in the magazines at Leghorn. I need not tell you how much I have fretted at this delay, being aware that they should long since have been in New York. I beg you will represent to Mr Brevoort that owing to the present state of American credit here I have been called on to pay charges on these cases as follows. in francesconi & pauls & crazie.
Storage-reception-expediton-  Fi 5.-5 ^[[pauls]]
Shipping on boat expence ---- Fi 7.-4.2.^[[cr]]
Postage and papers- ----            3.4.
                    Francesconi 13. 2.6

I shall debit Mr Brevoort with this sum- I remain Madam
                      With respect
                          Yours truly
Florence. Octr. 3d.37.    Horatio Greenough