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a set when I come on.  I have not shown my pictures yet so can't judge of the effect they may produce.  One thing is certain that most art matters are very dull - just now although I don't believe they are in such a desperate state as some try to make out.  Boston will probably be my salvation as it has been once before. Both you and Charley are lucky in being in Rome I can tell you.  Father gave me some money so that I shall pay Woodmans in a day or two.  I called last night at Durand's [[?]] but he was out.  I have lately bought a book [[strikethrough]] contain [[/strikethrough]] on old alphabets - it has a complete set of letters. of the kind contained in that  book of Jones [[?]]

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for a long time - then my father and his wife have been on and have only left four days ago.  Then my brother's wife is here and needs some attention.  The Frances [[?]] have been delayed etc. etc. [[?]].
Without in [[?]] the country however I advanced things finely - got the Fable painting of [[?]] finished the [[?]] three figures in garden by the by the [[?repeat phrase?]] Fable pictures need to be glazed [[?]] for all but 4. Finished the girl in blue. 
'' finished the Alchemist -
'' '' Roe's egg
'' '' Girl's girl's head against yellow.

The Alchemist came out finely. I also made 12 drawings - but - for most have been [[?] and Carrie sent Charley a set - the Salamander. I traveled up in the negative [[?]] and made much better - I don't believe Charley has that one - I will send you one and will [[?]] you

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