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[[IMAGE: Printed Letterhead]] [[top left-hand side of page]] YARDS WILLSON, ADAMS & CO. 42nd ST. E.R. 138th ST. HARLEM RIVER, MOTT HAVEN. [[Printed Letterhead top right hand side of page]] WALTER W WATROUS, CHAS H. WILLSON, CHAS L. ADAMS, ALLEN W. ADAMS, JACOB S. CARVALHO. [[Printed letterhead center]] WALTER W. WATROUS & CO. LUMBER. EXPORT OFFICE 140 PEARL ST. NEW YORK ^[[June 25th]] 188^[[7]] My Dear Mr. Clarke Tomorrow I leave for the eastward and if fate permits will go as far as [[Mt Desert?]] so it will be some time before I have a chance to see you. Well! that is