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(16) [[strikethrough]]Sitta[[/strikethrough]]  Mt. Orizaba Rancho.
Sitta pyamaea: Com.
Sialia mex.: Very com.
Snow bird: Com.
Merula mig. Com.
Spizella soc.: Very common on a hill which had been cleared near Rancho. They had very little black on forehead.
Setophaga picta [[=Myioborus pictus]]: Com.
Spinus pinus: Rather com. at Rancho.
Sayornis pertinax: Not very common. I shot one bird.
Tachycineta thalassina: Very com. on a hill near rancho where they would fly about in great numbers &  occasionally alight on the trees.
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Chalchicomula  (17)
Sitta carolinensis: Rather com. from fir belt upward.
Chalchicomula Birds omitted in the proper place.
Tachycineta thalassina: Com.
Thryothorus bewickii bairdi:[[insert]]very[[/insert]] Com.
Passerina ciris: Not common. I shot one bird on a brushy hill near town.
Empidonax griseus: Rather com.
Psaltriparus melanotis: Com.
Salpinctes obsoletus: Not very com. Those I saw were along a canon in the hills near town.
Zenaidura macrura [[should be macroura]]: Not very Com.
Basilinna leucotis: Com.
Eugenes fulgens: Com. 
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