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Trochilus platycereus: com.
Sylvania pusilla: com.
Buteo: A species was rather com. but none were obtained.
Falco: A species was com.
Tehuacan Puebla. Alt. 5300 ft.
May 2-9 Mammals
Lepus: Two species especially the larger one were common.  The larger one was not exactly like that found at Chalchicomula but did not differ much apparently.  The small gray one we got no specimens of but I saw a hunter with one he would not sell it looked very much like the small one found at Chalchicomula.
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Nyctinomops: Mr. N. bought some of boys who said they got them from houses.
Vespertilio: He also got a couple of large bats of this species from same place.
Mus. musculus. I caught two of them in a brush fence far from any buildings.
Heteromys: Caught one near a large rock among some brush.
Neotoma: A large red-backed rat was very common in the cliffs east of town & under rocks.  They usually had holes under rocks or other cover & made trails from them in all directions & had their reg-
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