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ular dumping places sometimes 10 yds. from hole. Not a single dung could be found about their nests or anywhere except at this pile where there would be 1/2 qt. or more of it.  Their habits were very much like Neotoma nelsoni we got near Manzanilla in Colima.
Mephitis: I caught a specimen having a white stripe in middle of face & long tail it was in such a poor state of fur however it was hard to tell what color he was.
Amphispiza mysticalis: Very
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Tehuacan. (21)
common along roadsides & brush fences.
Hemiprocne: (white collared) I saw some 20 or 25 of them on 2 occasions circling & flying about very high in the air east of town near a very large spring in a limestone cliff.
Pipilo fuscus: com.
Pipilo: another bird was com. something like fuscus but with more white on chest & two brown patches on sides of throat.
Melospiza lincolni: I shot one specimen the only one seen.
Phainopepla nitens: Very com.
Aphelocoma sumichrasti:

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