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Cyanerpes, Nov. 30, 1956, VI 15

there was a very fast "build up" of one or two elements ―e.g. the wing fluttering might begin a second or so after the rest of the complex began― but this was relatively rare.) The highest intensity Wh Complex posture was about as follows:
Check with p. 4
[[image]]←Yellow wing patch not usually visible
The Wh Notes themselves are rather reminiscent of the HAC Notes of other species ―although less harsh; but they must be less aggressive (this ♂ certainly made no attempt to attack the ♀; and the whole posture & accompanying movements looks like appeasement or a sexual pattern). 
   The ♀ did utter similar notes once or twice, but without any elaborate movements or postures, nothing more than a mere indication of the St.

Cyanerpes, I. December 1, 1957, Barro Colorado

  Well ―after writing yesterday that I hadn't seen a Wh Complex performance since the birds went into the aviary, of