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[[underlinded]]Cyanerpes[[/underlinded]], Feb. 22, 1958, II    50[[Circled]]

   I think that the notes of the Blues that I called HSer yesterday must be strictly homologous with what I called the HC of the Greens (see notes of Jan. 4, p. 12, on [[underlinded]]Chlorophanes[[/underlinded]]).  Sound just the same; (I have caught some more Greens in the net today, so I have been able to compare).  HSer is the better name, and I shall use it for both species from now on.
   The wild pair of Shinings (presumably the same pair as yesterday) finally paid a brief and unexciting visit to the aviary late in the morning.  Just sat and looked from high up in the branches of a tree (rather like [[underlinded]][[Dacuis?]][[/underlinded]]).  I did notice, however, the the [[male symbol]] visitor tended to sit in a posture comme ca [c with cedilla]
[[Illustration of posture is surrounded by more text]]
Either facing the birds in the aviary, or turning to face his [[female symbol]] when she approached.  This was apparently silent; but I think that it may be ritualized -- and is presumably correlated with the distinctive black throat patch.
   I should say that the WS's of the young [[male symbol]] Blues are becoming louder.  They certainly couldn't be described as "sub-song" or "whisper song" any longer.  Still done in the same way with the same postures though.
   Various Blues have been down to visit the captive birds as usual
[Illustration of two birds heads and breast]
But one of the [[male symbol]]'s stood most of the time in Bckfluff, sometimes with CR, sometimes without.  It was noticeable that the light