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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], Mar 9, 1958, III. 

This F St was accompanied by B53 Notes, and was performed by the old ♂ advancing down a twig to attack the new one.  Obviously very aggressive (as its mere form would suggest).  
     There were two cases of definite wing-fluttering or wing-quivering (Qu).  Both by ♂'s.  Once (I didn't catch which ♂ was doing it) in the St posture labeled "B." on the previous page. Once by the new ♂ in the posture labeled "C."  This seemed to be one of the less aggressive patterns.  The birds stood still while doing it.  Almost certainly accompanied by B33 Notes.
     The actual movements of Qu seemed to be rather simple. The wings were just held straight out from the body (not obviously either up or down), the primaries were slightly drooped, and the whole wing was fluttered very rapidly.
     The new ♂ once stood in the ".c" (or Erect Stretch -- E St) posture and uttered a call which I haven't heard before either. Like a series of fairly rapid CN's (much slower than the syllables of R); but much softer and thinner, less sharp, than the ordinary CN's. Possibly due to partial physical exhaustion; but more probably a definite distinct call, one of the less aggressive calls certainly.
     There was a general tendency for ♀'s to fight ♀'s, and for ♂'s to fight ♂'s; but there were exceptions of all kinds.
     Again the female (of the old pair) seemed to be more aggressive than the ♂
     The general effect of this encounter was to demonstrate even more firmly the remarkable resemblance in general social behavior between these Shining Honeycreepers and the Greens (and the [[end page]]