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[[underline]]Cyanerpes, I (38)
[[A sketch of the bird as seen from the back, turning its head to the right, appears at the top left of the page. Some of the text wraps around the sketch.
Three vertical lines and squiggle go down length of left side of page.]]
February 5, 1958
Barro Colorado

Watching a pair of birds in orange tree at sunset. [[male symbol]] sitting in fluffed posture, with the black nape particularly conspicuous -- very ruffled indeed, crown flat (very flat!_, wings crossed or ruseting[[??]] over tail, so that the blue rump was almost completely covered. Sometimes sitting looking straight ahead, but frequently turned to look over one side -- to give the effect drawn above. I think he was silent. His mate was with him, and one of the 2 birds was giving HCN's, but I think it was she. He may have done a little "tongue pumping" in this posture, but I am not sure of it, as the light was fading fast.
This posture, in some ways, appeared to be just a "normal" unvitalized[[??]] relaxed fluffed posture -- more or less equivalent to the quite different looking relaxed fluffed posture shown on Dec. 2, p 17. But it is so different from the latter, presenting such different visual stimuli to an observer, that I think it must have some visual function of some sort.
I shall call the posture drawn on this page the "Black Fluff" (Bckfluff), and the one drawn on p. 17 the "Blue Fluff" (BueFluff).
I can't imagine really waht visual this was meant to convey--except that it may have been hostile (and it may be significant that the [[female symbol]] was giving HCN's at the time). It may have been provoked by and/or directed toward several larger