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Cyanerpes, Feb. 16, 1957, II.
Honeycreepers when the new ones were introduced.  Just a little disputing when they all came down to feed.  The old (male) and (female) both became aggressive (at different times).  Just stretched head & neck forward toward the new-comers, or obliquely upward & forward.  Apparently unritualized int. mov. of attack. Accompanied by a few forward jabbing movements which did not actually come into contact.
When the new birds did not retreat before this, the old (male) then went into ft. and CR, and eventually retreated himself!
(This was the new (female) who withstood his threat.  Perhaps she will turn out to be dominant too.)
Both the old (male) and the old (female) uttered a few Wh W's during these disputes.  Just as usual except much fainter (but not particularly "ruffled" sounding) Low intensity?

Cyanerpes, I           February 14, 1958
                       Barro Colorado
A little disputing going on between the old & new pairs this morning. Much like the noise of the disputing I have seen in the wild (e.g., in the Balsa Tree) All sorts of things but little BL and apparently no ritualized wing movements (except WF), and, perhaps surprisingly, little G. I have only near one or two points which deserve comment. 
The old (male) several times made jabbing attack movements toward the new (male) when they were both feeding.  Each attack movement immediately followed by St & CR by the attacker.  App