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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]] May 3, 1961, III       (93)

lated notes of other species. I shall call these "SN"s too.
The ♀ also performed quite a number of BW's, when perched, during the period in which she uttered SN's. These may well have been an indication of frustrated or thwarted sex or pairing drive(s) - see below. She also performed 1 Pr movement during the first period of SN's 
Sometimes the ♀ uttered notes which were more or less obviously intermediate between typical "CN"s and typical SN's. It was my impression that there may be complete intergradation between the 2 patterns.
During the first few minutes after the ♂ was introduced, while the ♀ was uttering SN's, the 2 birds uttered a few more R's The ♂ uttered these R's in conventional, rather erect, St Postures. The ♀ probably also assumed a slight indication of St when she uttered her R's.
Then the behavior of the birds changed a little.
Every few minutes one of them would approach (usually land) within a few inches of the other. (Sometimes it was the ♀ landing beside the ♂, sometimes the ♂ landing beside the ♀.) Each time this happened, the ♂ would suddenly sidle rapidly toward the ♀.
Whenever the ♂ suddenly sidled toward the ♀ in this way, both birds would assume a more of less extreme St. Posture. The first 7 or 8 times this happened, the St's of both were accompanied by extreme Q and soft Bzz's (like the ones described above on June 23, 1960). The ♂ also usually did more or less extreme Bowing, with his St-Q-soft Bzz patterns, as he sidled. This Bowing was a rather regular alternation of rather high St's and F St's. The ♀ did not do Bowing. her head & bill were usually
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