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[[evi]]dence of satisfactory vaccination against smallpox "within three years prior to arrival or evidence of a previous attack of smallpox." You can't get back in the United States without it! In the Western Hemisphere there are certain exceptions: in the absence of smallpox at the port of departure or on board the carrier, persons are exempt from this requirement when they depart from Canada, Newfoundland, the Island of St. Pierre or Miquelon, Iceland, Greenland, the West Coast of Lower California, Cuba, the Bahamas, the Canal Zone or Bermuda. But it would still be well to check!

YOUR MONEY. A certain amount in cash is advisable for immediate use. Carry this in several pockets and in a travel belt. For going abroad your travel agent will advise you how much to carry.

Otherwise, for the general traveler, travelers' checks are the more convenient and safe. They may be obtained from your bank or travel agency in different denominations for about seventy-five cents per hundred dollars. It is always better to keep the denominations small so that you will be able to cash them more easily, and if in a foreign country, so that you will not have more money of that currency than you need for your stay in that particular country. There are two places on each check to sign: one when you receive your checks; one when you cash the check in the presence of the person who cashes it. If your checks are lost, notify the nearest office of the organization which issued them to you. Wherever possible cash your checks at banks or travel bureaus, especially in foreign countries. They will give you nearly the current rate of exchange.

Letters of credit show that you have deposited certain amounts of money with an issuing bank or company. In order to obtain money on letters of credit you have to present yourself and identification to the foreign branch of the company which issued the letter of credit. This representative of your bank or company will then make due note of the amount withdrawn on your letter of credit after you have signed your draft.

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CLOTHES AND BAGGAGE. Consider your clothes carefully. You must travel "light" and if you go by air the number of pounds you are allowed to take is a definite sixty-six for foreign travel, forty for the United States, and this includes the weight of your luggage too. Leave some space for extras: purchases on your trip and other emergencies. Fit your wardrobe to your type of trip. You may need more of one kind of clothing than another.

In general, clothes made of nylon, jersey or tweed are practical. They don't crush and they do not take up too much room. Take the type of clothes which can be interchanged to make different costumes for variety. Be sure to take into consideration the climate into which you are going and the season of the year so that your clothing will meet your comfort as well as your social needs.

According to where you go, for both men and women: a good pair of sunglasses, drinking cups, special medicines and antiseptics, sewing kit, pen and other personal attentions to comfort should be considered. If you wear glasses take an extra pair and your prescription. Register cameras of foreign make before leaving the country with customs so you will not have to pay duty on them on your return.

Your baggage should be adequate, sturdy and not too heavy. If you travel by air, remember that the weight of your baggage must be included in that sixty-six or forty pounds. In any case it is always better to be able to carry your baggage: you may not be able to find a porter or your car may break down! Baggage going by plane or ship should be sent there at least twenty-four hours before departure. Obtain labels for your baggage from plane or ship. For the boat mark it "wanted" or "hold." Do not lose your claim checks and be sure that your baggage is with you on plane or ship. It is recommended that all baggage be insured.

In general, confine yourself to the smallest amount of baggage possible to supply your needs. A small overnight kit for freshening up purposes may be taken with you on the plane. One

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