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Date Dec. 4, 1962 Tuesday
Place Brasilia
Weather Sunny & hot; shower at noon; cool & cloudy in evening
We had a date with a Brazilian wolf, — a real one, long-legged, with big attentive ears & almost a collie's face, which eats berries, so there is a plant called "wolf berry" in Goyaz. He was in Dr. Moojen's new Brasilia zoo, where he has most of the local mammals & birds & tegus. The macaws were handsome & very noisy, & the ocelot was so tame we photographed it with Dr. M stroking it. He gave me a lot of preserved things from his zoo lab & his attendants were very nice in showing them to me. He took us back to our hotel at 1PM, & sent the car for us again at 4 so we could go night collecting near the zoo. I packed the specimens he had given me while Doris & a young vet student collected beetles, then the boys & Elena & I went along a dirt road overflowed by high water & a swamp where we heard frogs, & where the boys said there were not very many cascavels. It
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was too dark to see much, so Elena & I came back while the boys took my headlamps & machete & went further. They came back about 8pm with 4 nice treefrogs, perhaps Hyla albopunctate, 5 tadpoles* probably of the same, & 4 small cyprinodonts. Then the zoo bus took us all home, stopping to change our air reservations as we decided to go on to Rio to-morrow. No formal dinner, — only 2 beef sandwiches we brought from the hotel, & a bottle of mineral water, but a very busy & profitable day all the same, as Dr. Moojen is going to ask his collector in Luziania to get frogs for me from there.

*I transformed, Hyla crepitans fide Bertha
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