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Date Dec. 21, 1962 Friday
Place Rio
Weather Wonderful! The first really sunnyday.
I went to the Institute this morning, & took a few photos of the Moorish tile, plaster & iron work while waiting for Dr. Teixera de Freitas to unlock the Lutz lab for me. I finished about 1230, & he let me ride to the museum in the Institute auto, with 3 other people who were going further. In the museum lunchroom the girls were hanging decorations for the Christmas party to be given this afternoon, so I snapped a picture. A wooden lattice in one corner was covered with beautiful rosecolored passion flowers —real ones! There was the typical tree —a stuffed bush colored silver, with balls tied to the bare branches, I worked hard & nearly finished what most needed doing. Dr. Paris came to leave 4 delicious mangoes from his garden for me.
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Date Dec. 22, 1962 Saturday
Place Rio
Weather Sunny & hot; fog & mist, windy.
This morning I finished working at the museum, & at 11 Doris & Bertha came, so Bertha could take us to Tijuca again. In full sun it was a marvelous trip, with tall tree ferns, bamboo, cecropia, hibiscus, bougainvillea & thousands of other plants, & Cascatenha, the superb waterfall, near which we collected some nice beetles. We stopped at several places to collect, & finally at the lovely pond where the smith frog breeds, & we found 3 nests with eggs in various stages. Tall blue water lilies bloomed in the pond, & tiny toads & tree frogs under the grass around it. Bertha took us to her house for a nice lunch & a rest, then I made some photos of it, including the wall with maidenhair fern. We left at 5. I jolted back on the bus, I finished my 3rd film, altho the camera jammed again in rewinding, but Bertha lended me her brother's film-changer, so I saved the film.
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