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Date Dec. 25, 1962 Tuesday
Place Rio
Weather Warm, sunny windy.
At 9 we started for Bertha's home, & she drove us over to Sumaré beyond Tijuca, & we saw frogs (Hyla circumdata) sleeping in a deep cistern, also tads of Phyllomedusa & a very dark juv. Eleuth guentheri. We also visited the spot where Hyla faber nests, & I took a photo of a nest just made, with the water not yet settled. On a dirt road near the top of Sumaré, Bertha showed us the remains of a voodoo rite, several flat bowls of fish, boiled eggs, cigars & a drink, some red cloth, & 5 voodoo dolls, 2 of them stuck with pins. She said I could take these for our ethnology dept. After we had collected & photographed, we came back to her house for a chicken & sausage dinner, salad, coconut ice-cream with boiled chestnuts, cake & tea. She took me to photograph 2 houses designed by Niemeyer a half mile up the street. Bertha gave each of us a nice calendar of Brazil.
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Date Dec. 26, 1962
Place Rio and São Paulo
Weather Warm & humid at Rio; rainny & cool at São Paulo
We packed this morning & paid our bills & tipped everybody. It was more humid than we have yet known it to be in Rio, so I guess we are leaving just in time. Bertha came to eat lunch with us, & give me some letters, & she took us to the airport & waited in the very stuffy waiting room until our plane left. The flight along the coast was beautiful with rocky islands  everywhere. We finally flew over land & into 2 or 3 small storms, & came to S.P. in the rain, being handed big umbrellas as we got off the plane, to protect us until we got to the door of the airport, where they were collected by attendants. S.P. is much cooler & cleaner than Rio & we have not noticed the terrible slums that in Rio come right up to the fine houses. I phoned Vanzolini, & we went out to the museum right away. It is a handsome big building, but he says it is already too small. There are several thousand frogs, but graded into species, not localities, so I am to begin to look them over to-morrow to see what I want to borrow. We had a small simple but luxurious dinner in our handsome hotel.
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