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Date Jan. 8, 1963 Tuesday
Place Curitiba & Barigui
Weather Sunny & hot, then cloudy
This morning Dr. Longe & Luis 14-year-old son come in the Institute Volkswagen & we set out for Bariqui which is on the Ponta Grossa road. In a few minutes we left te city & jolted over a very eroded lane to a small river, the Barigui. Collecting was very good for insects, & I get a Tillardia with a rose pink flower, & lots of lichens. In an hour we moved on to another spot on the property of a very genial German-Brazilian. A little way inside the gate Dr Longe had collected his narrow-mouthed frog under rocks, but altho he turned over lots of rocks, we found only 3 Physalaemus cuvieri & 1 Eleuth guentheri. Then we entered the primitive woodland jungle going up the mountain, with superb treeferns & tiny Selaginellas everywhere. It was cool & wonderful there. On the way out we found several orange gesneriads, & Dr Longe dug the bulbs of 4 for me. We stopped at his house to see his 7 children, & to bring his wife & him to our hotel for lunch.
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Date Jan 9, 1963 Wednesday
Place Curitiba and Tarumã
Weather Cloudy, sunny; rain in the evening
Dr. Lange & the Institute Volkswagen came at 9 to take us to Tarumã. A small river came down to the road, with arum & water plants. Lots of small brambly trees lined the bank, & we went along the path stroking the branches & plants towards our nets & seemed to get quite a different population of insects from yesterday. In a big field full of anthills & cow-chewed grass clumps we caught 2 frogs & found the mud nest of Eleutherodectylus guentheri with very small larvae, which we took back to the museum. I saw a tall wild begonia with pink flowers, but did not take it. At the museum a reporter & photographer came for a "story" about Doris & me, and took an hour of my time. Sebastian came with 55 frogs in fine shape that he had collected the past 3 nights, & I paid him 6000cr., at which he was speechless, as his university salary is only 15000cr a month. We said goodbye to Milton, our waiter, after tipping him 1000 cr. a piece.
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