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Monday, March 17, 1862 
Went fishing and peulogizing [[on ?]] the Black River, a letter from Brothers. they are building a raft bridge | at night the band serenaded Col. Baker, and he returned a salute of 2 guns which caused much [[?]]

Tuesday 18
[[Image-of a cannon upper right side]]
Prisoner [[?]] guard. 
[[image-one solder standing another on hands and knees with rifle on ground]]

Wednesday 19
[[Image-of curly head with a frown]] 

Thursday, March 20, 1862
Fair Dull 
[[Image- side view of a face]]

Friday 21
Rainy. A visit from the 30th Regt boys.
[[image-2 verticle squiggly lines]]

Saturday 22
Went with duncan and visited a man about 2 miles from here, and came over the river on raft. A [[letter ?]] [[?]] [[?]], b, [[?]]
[[image-face with spiked hair and eyelashes with smile]]