Viewing page 19 of 71

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SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1862
Cold and cloudy.
Took a way back
along the river
Part of the Ind. and Part of the [[?]] Ill. Cav. left.

Monday 24
Wrote to brothers.
Ms. [[?]]

Tuesday 25
They drill, the companies and
got new tents. 
[[image: sibley tent]]
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Wednesday March 26, 1862
[?] companies left on a secret
expedition. The 16th Ohio
artillery arrived. [[strike though]] Calvary, 11th Ind camped [[/strike through]] 1 mile back,this cavalry returned.

Thursday 27
The 11th Ind. Came in, and
crossed the river. [[image-smiling face]]
the line companies came back at
noon having marched to secure,
and back 80 miles.
[initial signature]

Friday 28
Went over the river and heard
the new silver band, Gen Steel
arrived and a salute was
fired. [image-side view of an officer with a fancy hat]

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