Viewing page 57 of 71

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[[start page]]
Thursday, November 6,1862
marched 12 miles to [[Tyres?]] Spring
[[ sketch image - face from eyebrows to chin]]

Friday 7
Marched 10 miles and had a slight skirmish with Morgan at the Cumberland river.
Very cold
[[two sketched images - man lying supine on back, and the second a face to the right of the first]]

Saturday 8
The right wing of the brigade went back to hunt Morgan, another Brigade shelled him from Galatin and he crossed river 1/2 mile from here. [[two sketched images - smile face and left facing face with hat]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Sunday, November 9.1862
The left wing went out scouting 
[[sketched image - profile face facing right with exaggerated nose]]
A letter from G.P London

Monday 10
In Camp dull as usual 
wrote to [[Jn?]] [[C N?]]
[[sketched image - lady with soft face, dark eyes and long wavy hair]]

Tuesday 11 
[[strikethrough]] [D?] to [B?][[strikethrough]]
[[end page]]