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[[underlined]] Jan. [[underlined]]      [[underlined]] 1864 [[underlined]]

by Prof Hall in his sleep. He rubbed his hands together but could not remember that he had said anything in regard to Dr. Hall. Jane told him to think again  She deemed [[underline]] him at least [[underline]] a reliable man. The Dr. in vain tried to deserve the title of reliable, Dr. Hall in triumph went for Dr. Torrey who also slept in the same room with him. The Doctor did not know what the joke was precisely but entered into the spirit of it and accidently hit upon the very thing we [[wanted?]] him to say. [[?]] asked him if he had been at all disturbed in his rest. He said yes by snoring & by low muttering from Prof Hall. He was asked if he could distinguish what was said. He said not all but he believed it was something about the bother it was to wait upon ladies at parties &c &c. Jane pronounced her father an honest witness, a truly reliable man & told Prof Hall he might consider himself convicted. Just then Prof A. came in & asked us to stop at Mr. Sewards to enquire for his coat [[which?]] had been lost the day before  Dr. Torrey & [[?]] went out to help him look for it. [[Presently?]] soon many peals of laughter were heard from the Prof. & [[?]] the door. He [[end page]]

 [[underlined]] 1864 [[underlined]]

came in with Dr. [[Torrey?]]] by the collar. [[?]] "I have found the thief" I have found the thief". [[strikethrough]] The [[strikethrough]] The laugh was now turned upon Jane & her reliable witness. Dr Hall declaring his testimony could not be admitted. left with the other gentlemen for the Academy. A party at Dr. Baches in the evening.
[[underlined]] 9th Sat. [[underlined]] Made another visit to the Academy. They were busy with the election of foreign members. In the evening we had a soiree
[[underlined]] 11th Mon. [[underlined]] We had a delightful excursion to day Gen Barnard invited the Academy to visit the fortification & had a number of ambulances ready for us at 10 o'clock in the morning. Our party consisted of about fifty. At Fort ___ a cold collation was prepared for us which was very acceptable as the cold air had given us an appetite a long table was spread in a new bomb proof & the commander of the fort with his men were [[drawn up in?]] order to receive us the band playing Hail to the Chief!!. The speech at the [[dinner?]] were [[exceedingly?]] [[amusing?]] Prof A__ arose first & thanked Gen Barnard for the pleasure of the day. Gen B. replied & called out some one else. The command of the fort was toasted. He said