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Feb His cousin the watchmaker left the city, Albany after father had been with about a year and He was left without employment He now spent his entire time at the Rostrum Dramatizing a tale and preparing a comedy which was acted by the association and was in great danger of being ruined [[strikethrough]] by the [[?]] of [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]. He had a slight fit of illnes and while he was confined to the house one day a Scotchman who was living there left upon the table of the room Gregory lectures on Nat Phil. It commenced with an address to the young reader trying to encite in his mind an interest in the objects about him. He had often shot an arrow from a boy [[??]] but had he ever wondered why the arrow left the bow why it fell to the ground &c. [[Looking?]] into a blank wall we saw nothing when [[gazing?]] into a stream we saw objects around us repeated more clear & beautiful in detail than any painting. Why is this. It is due to reflection of light but what was reflecting of light . what is light. I have enough thought [[Father??]] it is a queer thing I never thought of that before. His interest was unchained he read the book [[??]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1864 Feb and when he came out of his sick room the whole world seemed changed to him every object was teeming with interest. He had as it were awaken from a dream. He had before taken very little interest in things about him. he lived in an ideal world In the country he could not [[tell?]] one tree from another he lived amid the fancies of his childish brain. Now all was changed the actual world was before him more deeply interesting than any creation of the imagination. He at once made a resolve to spend his life in the acquisition of knowledge and going to the Rostrum he immediately resigned his office of President. ^[[and attended a night school soon [[became?]] [[?]] to the [[?]] of his teacher]] It was about this time that ^[[he fell in with]] a man wishing to introduce a new system of grammer who employed him to go with him partly as pupil partly as assistant. Father spent a week or so [[?]] in [[studying?]] the rules of grammer & for the first time discovered the use of it. One whole week was [[pursued?]] in [[?]] and then he went on his grammatical tour. On his return he was admitted into the Academy and studyed diligently. He was then induced to take charge of a school in the country for a short time. He was later on probation for the ^[[first]] month