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and paid only eight dollars but the next month had so raised him in the estimation of his employers that they paid him fifteen. He soon returned to the academy and assisting one of the young men in attendance upon Dr. Beck was at last appointed in his place. He now could pay his own tuition and improved his opportunities. The Patron at this time wanted a young man as tutor for his sons Dr. Beck sent Father to him. When he rang at the door a black man who had been sailor under his father accosted him with "Are you [[not?]] son of Billy Henry? Yes said Father. What are you doing here. Going to be tutor to the [[three?]] sons. Bless you said the old man you will be as great as Napoleon Bonaparte one of these days. Mark my words I know it. You will be as great as Napoleon Bonaparte." His sojourn with the Patron was very pleasant he had only four pupils and was obliged to teach only a few of the morning hours the rest of the day being at his own disposal and devoted to the study of [[physiology?]]. chemistry anatomy & He had some thought at the time of [[studying?]]  [[end page]]

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for a physician and make some advance in medical studies. At this time the southern counties of New york paid a large tribute to the Northern counties in the use of the canal so it was proposed to [[balance?]] another - to have a great state road in the south. So Father was approached to survey the ground. Starting with his men from West Point they went through the woods, engineering to Lake Erie. The Patron was very sorry to part with him & pressing his hand affectionately in parting told him if he could ever serve him with his patronage or purse he would be most happy  Father acquited himself so well in his engineering tour that the Patron & others were [[anxious?]] to secure him a captaincy in an engineering corps  There was much surplus money in the Treasury then which it was [[?]] to spend in internal improvement. The bill for the organising and of the corps how ever did not pass congress and Father being at this time appointed to fill the vacancy of a prof. in the Academy.  [[Gracious?]] to the solicitation of his friends he accepted although against his inclination as he had become very much fascinated with