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1864 Feb. the life of an engineer. He now commenced a series of experiments in Nat Phil. The first regular series that had been made in the country. Dr Hare had invented his blow pipe but regular & systamic investigation of the principal of science had not yet been attempted. Father now rapidly advanced in reputation and the friend who had hitherto supported him now [[commenced?]] to look rather coldly upon the young aspirant who growing fast about [[him?]] He was walking sadly along one day when he was accosted by one of his friends "You [[vertical text in left margin: x Judge Dunlop]] look sober Henry. Father told him of the [[best guess?]]change [[best guess?]] in his friends. You aut to leave said his friend Albany is no longer the place for you You have come to the surface here you must go elsewhere. The call now came from Princeton and Father went on [[there?]] The [[place/plan?]] seemed very pleasant to him [[There/Uncle? See "Uncle 4 lines below]] was with him [[there?]] [[numerous/numbering?]] astronomical experiment calculating eclipses &c. We'll go there Father said to him. we'll go & together bring up that old college. Uncle went to the seminary & Father accepted the professorship He had been [[end page]] [[start page]] 1864 Feb. married a short time before. The college was then little esteemed [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] the number of students not 100. Father with the [[diffidence?]] of himself that always [[troubled?]] him [[when?]] he entered upon a new position commenced his duties with solicitude But here were his happiest days. Coming in the winter time the place seemed somewhat dreary but after a short absence in Albany Mother & himself returned to [[praise?]] the spring in all its beauty. The campus beautiful in its fresh green & redolent with lilac. Here in this old college his time passed in the investigations so interesting to him, the [[fame?]] of his [[magnets?]] attracted students and the number of students at once went up to over 200. His class was such as he liked to teach. He had been used to the noisy boys of the Academy and was at first almost embarrassed by the great attention of the [[appreciative/apprentice?]] students who now listened to him. He had calls now from William & Mary College and from Virginia. The latter was one very desirable in a [[pecuniary?]] point of [[view?]], the salary being their current in the country. Father did not like to [[end page]]