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1864 July 11 for the burning of Gov. Fletchers ^[[(of Vir.)]] house by Gen Hunter. At Magnolia Station about 18 miles from Baltimore the bridge over Gunpowder Creek has been destroyed. 2 P.M. Mother just in from a shopping expedition. Says we are surrounded by the rebels - city filled with refugees from the country, coming in with wagons filled with household effects. Rebels fighting at Tenally Town. 4 P.M. Mr. Gill brings news of the closer approach of the enemy. Mr. [[Shand?]] has come to offer his services in case they may be needed in the defence of the Inst Says the rebels are attacking Fort Mass. on Seventh St. We are going to the top of the high tower. (Top of the Tower) The city lies before us peaceful & beautiful in the rays of the setting sun. The broad river lost in the distance by a cloud of mist hanging low on the horizon is dotted here & there with boats two of which have moved with stealthy eager motion into the port of the Arsenal. We are told they are laden with troops. Dr. Hamlein & others have joined us. A jet of smoke rises curling off into the [[end page]] [[start page]] rose colored clouds, disappearing & appearing again marks the scene of the conflict if there is any. Mr. De Rust who is looking through the glass reports signals from the top of the soldiers Home. We look & see the signal maker with his flag. A body of colored troops are moving down 12th we watch them as they move slowly along their wives & little ones crowding the pavements. The sun is sinking lower now & sheding its last beams over a scene of such quiet beauty it seems to mock our excitement. The shadows of the towers stretch longer & longer over green parterre below us. Gen. Hamlin tells now if to night will the attack [[be?]] made. Our hearts beat quicker we look towards the distant Capitol the white house & wonder if it possible they can be in danger. But the -little-jets- of smoke curl up lazily as before. The sun has gone down. Gen Hamlin rises to go we follow one by one. 10 P.M. Have been in the city every thing quiet & orderly The rebel force estimated at 45,000 Gen. Blairs house