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July 1864 burned. 12th Tuesday. Firing at 5 O'clock in the morning communication with Baltimore cut off. Firing again at 1'cl clock. nothing known. Went to drive in the afternoon with Mr. Gill - went to terminus of 14th & 7th sts. Driving first out Seventh we came to Campbell Hospital where at the top of a hill we were stopped by a man on horseback who forbade our going farther A number of people had collected here to see if anything could be seen or hear if any news was afloat. We retraced our steps & crossing over to Seventh street encountered the President coming into the city from the soldier home in an open barouch surrounded by a body guard of horsemen. Just beyond the college we were stopped as before & obliged to return. 13th Wed. 11 A.M. No certain news - Rebels said to be retreating. 2. P.M. News of the retreat of the enemy confirmed. (Evening) went to drive with Father passing the railway yard near the Inst. saw it filled with engines. All [[end page]] [[start page]] 1864 July 13 rolling railway stock had been sent to Alexandria by order of the President when the city was supposed to be in danger but had been sent back as rebels are said to be at Falls Church. Driving out 14th we encountered about 75 prisoners escorted by mounted officers. Their butternut dresses were soiled & torn but they seemed [[have?]] & undaunted & many of them were exceedingly fine looking. One tall virginian [[^ amused me he]] moved sturdily alone in dignified disdain without one look of the curiosity indulged in by his companions. We encountered no other war indications, until we came to the hospital surrounding Columbia College The poor invalids were enjoying the cool evening air lining the banks on each side of the road. One or two pale sad young faces excited my warm sympathy. They looked so much in need of home kindness & affection. Farther on we encountered the vedettes & were obliged to return. There were about 10 soldiers placed at the side of the road with two stand of arms stacked in front of them One of the men came forward to speak