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with his surroundings  His companions were dirty enough. Their uniforms were all dirt under their whatever they might have been originally  On our way home we visited a house which had been riddled with balls from the Fort. Some rebel sharp shooters had been stationed here & protected by a pile of stones at the corner of the house one of them had picked off an officer  It was afterwards occupied by our troops. Our rifle pits extended from the house to the road a distance of about 40 ft. They consisted of holes dug in the ground with a slight embankment of earth in front.
An Englishman called in the evening had also been at the scene of conflict  Had found upon the walls of one of the houses he visited numerous rebel inscriptions. On a marble top table, the only article of furniture left in the parlor was inscribed "This house is sacked in retaliation for the many homes made desolate in Virginia. On one of bed room walls " our complements to the ladies sorry not to find them at
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July   1864
Home." A note picked up on the stairs contained an apology & the regrets of the officer in charge ^to the young lady of the house for the destruction of her wardrobe. A music book lay uninjured & beneath some lines addressed to my mother in Heaven was written "Sacred to an [[strikethrough]] absen [[\strikethrough]] orphaned rebel. The following is the purport of a letter addressed to the President found in the yard
Dear Uncle Abraham
We like the way you fight we hope you will be reellected  We have come this time to show you what we can do  we will return & give you another lesson. We have inlisted for 40 [[underline]] years or the war [[\underline]]  Yours
The biggest rebel in the ^country

18th Passed Sat. night at Mrs. Peale's. Miss Wheeler came in - said the secessionists of the city of Baltimore had been aware of the intended raid of the 
southerners & many ladies had gone in the train captured at Gunpowder bridge provided with refreshment & when the train was stopped & the cry of "the rebels, the rebels" startled the passengers
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