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[[duplicate of previous 2 pages with newspaper clipping removed]]

C.C. Clay & J P Holcombe from the South at Niagra  They requested safe conduct to Wash. in order that proposals for peace might be considered. They were not formally authorized by the authorities at Richmond. Horace Greely & Mr. Hay the Presidents sec. went to Niagra to confer with them by consent of the president who finding the southern delegates were not official [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] obliged to ask the President for orders  He sent back the following

[[several blank lines]]

As this precluded all discussion announcing as it does beforehand terms of peace the self constituted delegates retired thanking H.G. & Hay for their efforts & stating that although the south might be weary of the sad desolating struggle & might long for the return of peace still she could not yield to terms which would comproq1`- [[end page]]

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mise her self respect.  Atlanta has not been taken as supposed but seems to be in a fair way of falling soon. The Loyal Citizens of Maryland have presented a petition to the Pres, asking that the recent losses be assessed upon the sympathizers with the south - It is sincerely to be hoped the pres. will not yield to so unjust a demand.
26th Tues. Great battle at Atlanta a loss of 2000 on our side & about [[6000?]] on that of the enemy The city is not yet in our possession but we have gained the outer fortifications. Mrs. Peale returned yesterday from a visit to the [[strikethrough]] front [[/strikethrough]] ^the army before Petersburg with Mr. Seward & family  She seems greatly impressed with the strength of our forces & the probable success of attempt to take the city  She said to Gen. Grant  If you take it Gen. you will be in the White  Far be it from me madame to desire any such honour he replyed. There are rumours of another intended raid by the south.
30th Sat  Another fright. Some of soldiers returning from the persuit of the