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have caused great excitement in Tenally Town  the inhabitants supposing them to be the Southerners closed their stores & prepared to depart. Father came in at noon to say their alarm was not quite unfounded. The Southerners are said to be again in possession of much ter. Gen Hunter at Maryland ^Heights
Aug 2nd Took tea yesterday at Mr Kenedys  He had intended to start on a fishing excursion but the rebels have possession of the road. Mr. K thinks the Southerners are in large force now The former raid was probably to supply this larger army with food &c. all publication of news has been forbidden by the Government. so we are completely in ignorance as to the movements of the armies.
3rd The silence imposed by the Government is at last broken & we learn that the rebels are advancing upon Harrisburg  Mr. Welling says this force is the same that visited us before. Our troop having ceased persuing them they returned to give a blow at Gen Hunter's forces at Winchester [[end page]]

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forcing him to retire to Maryland Heights.
4  The rebels are reported to be leaving the state Gen. [[Averil?]] in persuit  Chambersburg said to be burnt. Carey has gone to Oxford Father to New Haven so we feel quite lonely.  The magnificent seige of Petersburg has failed & with it the hopes entertained of the grand results of the summers campaign. anticipated with such eager expectation. The mines were sprung & the outer defences of the city were taken but the negros failed in duty & the day was lost. Thousands of our [[have?]] dead cover the soil of virginia bloody ^[fallen[?]] after battle has desolated our homes & wrung our hearts with anguish mown down by the deadly fire of the southerners opposed by them steadily & well what have we accomplished & ^[[found?]] [[?]] [[very?]] [[with?]] pain & difficulty to the gates of Petersburg  Now after weeks of inertia the hopes of the country lie as low as the walls our poder mines shattered while the bulwark of the southerners rise stronger than before.