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Sep 6

where Prof. Felton then was & expressing her delight at the prospect & her conviction that no other spot in the world could be so delightful for a place of residence  He immediately commenced the negociations which ended in the purchase of Marshfield  At a turn in the road they encountered an old man of 80. Webster stopped to inquire how he was. "better far than you Mr. Webster" he answered "You are a very sick man" I have no doubt of that answered Webster you will outlive me yet. Farther on they came to the family grave yard. Webster pointed out the graves of those he had loved & here said he I shall soon be laid myself. He died but very short time after this. On retiring he told Prof. Felton the stage would arrive for him at an early hour & added play-fully "as Mr. Webster will not be in a fit state to appear he will bid you good bye[[strikethrough]]"[[/strikethrough]] from the window" In the morning as the Prof. passed down the yard to the stage he saw him [[end page]]

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Sep 6th
for the last time as he [[put?]] his night-capped head out of the window to bid him farewell. Fathers first impressions of Mr. Webster were anything but favorable Father went to see & endeavored to [[impress?]] upon him his news in regard to the will of Smithson. Webster listened in silence for some time & then replied that he believed Smithson had no such refined ideas when he used the terms increase & diffusion of knowledge he only meant by to enforce his words  He then spoke rather disrespectfully of scientists in general. Father asked if he formed his opinion from the men of Cambridge and being annoyed at his manner let the deplomatist see that he at least deserved & demanded respect. He was ^sufficiently affable before the interview closed but Father entertained so disagreeable impression of his visit that he did not enter his presence again until he was compelled to do so. In the year ____ England invited the U. S. to [[?]] in the Worlds Fair  The matter was turned over to the Nat. Inst. & a com. of arrangement appointed. Webster

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