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[[underline]] Oct [[underline]]      [[underline]] 1864 [[underline]]
There has been a temporary rise in gold today on account of rumours of a defeat.
8th Sat. Went to see Gardener's picture. It is the reading of the Proclamation by Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Seward has just interrupted him to substitute the word [blank space] for [blank space]  Sec. Chase is on the right of the President somewhat in his rear standing with folded arms; before him Stanton is seated in front of him.  The other officers of the cabinet are grouped about him in various attitude.  The president himself is seated. I have given a very lame description of the picture.  The likenesses are all good, but all of the distinguished gentlemen seem [[strikethrough]] all [[strikethrough]] very indifferent to the great matter under discussion. It will be on exhibition for a short time in N.Y. and I suppose will eventually be purchased by Government and placed in the Capitol. [[end page]]

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[[underline]] Oct [[underline]]     [[underline]] 1864 [[underline]]
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