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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 1865 Jan 2nd I have been absent from home for four months and now on this the second day of the new year resume my journal. Since I last wrote the Presidential campaign has been decided & Abraham Lincoln appointed to another term the head of the nation. Sherman has made a victorious march through Georgia Atlanta & Savannah owning his power. Grant sill remains in the vicinity of Richmond. The old Chief Justice so long the friend & supporter of the Institution has ended his day Mr. Dallas Mr. Dayton Minister to France Park Benjamin the author & other distinguished men in the military & civil service of the country have also departed The old year goes out weeping for some of the noblest of the country's sons. Weeping too for the peace which cometh not. The recent victories serve but to cast a momentary & lurid [[strikethrough]] glare [[/strikethrough]] light upon the clouds wich unvail the in coming years. Yesterday [[really?]] New years day