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May 10  1865
city without a permit since the assassination.  She says Booth was in her store about two weeks before the murder.  She remarked that he had very beautiful black glossy hair but did not otherwise observe his appearance.  She also said a supper had been prepared for the conspirators at a small tavern not far from her house the night of the murder and a coffin filled with firearms sent there a few days before.  She saw the herse with the coffin pass her door and wondered that it was unaccompanied by mourners.
Mother & Carry just in from a shopping expedition.  Cotton goods are going up owing to the demand at the South now that the trading ports are open again.
A large mass meeting was held last night and resolutions past to induce the Government to exclude from the Southerners who had left the city for
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May 10  1865
reasonable purposes the right of return.  The Capitol at least it was urged should be kept free from the contamination of those who however loyal they might be now in profession had stained their names with treason & rebellion.  A number of speeches were made
15th  Jef. Davis is taken.  He was captured near   attempting to escape in his wife's clothing.  The trial of the assassins ^[has] continued for three days.
Went to see Mrs. Gurley yesterday who is sick.  The Doctor has returned from the sad expedition to Springfield.  He was one of the escort of the President's remains.  He said the display of grief they encountered every where was very impressive.  One little incident he mentioned was touching.  Two little girls came to the General in charge with a bunch of violets accompanied by a note from their Mother explaining that the little ones thought it was a pity Mr. Lincoln should have all the flowers they wished theirs to be put upon the
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