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[[underline]] 1866 [[underline]]
Jan. 24.
in the evening train gone to Willards. Before breakfast. - Last evening Dr. Torrey Dr. Barnard, Dr & Mrs Gould arrived  They came to attend the meeting of the Academy which opens this morning. Three of the gentlemen went to the President's Soiree. Dr. Barnard amused us with his description of some of the Ladies dresses. Uncle has not yet arrived we are afraid he is not coming. A party at Mrs. Freeman Clarks ^[[one also at the Pres?]] 
25th Receptions at Mrs. McCullochs & Mrs. Morgans. Our party has been pleasantly increased by the arrival of Prof. Witney of New Haven.
26th This is our reception day but I left Mother Nell & Carry to enterain our guests and went with Mrs. Gould to visit the Presidents family. There were very few persons in the room as we entered. Mrs. Patterson and her sister received standing in the [[centre?]] of the room They have not yet become enough accustomed to their position to feel at ease [[end page]]

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[[but?]] have improved since last summer we saw them before we went away. Mrs. P. is a delicate modest woman and quite unassuming. We went to the green house wh. is in admirable order & thence to the meeting of the Academy to hear a eulogy pronounced by Dr. Gould upon Mr. Gillis. It was well written although the praise of our dear deceased friend was somewhat too strong. A large party at Mrs. Riggs.
27th A busy day. Two matinees, one at Mrs. Sprague's we did not remain long there but after saluting the lady of the house & looking for a short time at the dansers proceeded to the house of Mrs. Williams formerly Mrs Douglass. First calling upon Mrs. Grant. Gen & Mrs Grant occupy one of the large houses near Mrs. Douglass & were both receiving  The General's face expresses strong determination of character but no great amiability. Mrs. G. is cross eyed & extremely