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[[start page]] March 1865 and the two ushers in front We then went to the portico of the Library to view the procession as it proceeded down Penn. Av. The military appeared very well from this point of view but the procession was not as a whole very impressive. The sun shown out bright & clear as the pagent proceeded to the white house. So begins our new Presidential term. May the glorious sunshine of Peace beam on us ere its close We are all very tired after our days excursion. Dr. Gray has gone to the levee at the Presidential mansion. 6th Andy Johnson's miserable speech on Inaugeration day is imputed to his being in a state of intoxication. Sheridan has taken Charlottesville. Hon Hugh McCulloch has been nominated Sec. of Treasury. Went to see Mrs. Douglass yesterday Miss Cameron ^daughter of the former Sec is visiting her. Mrs. D. was looking remarkably [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]]March[[/underline]] [[underline]]1865[[/underline]] well and was using some amiable deplomacy to procure an invitation for a young girl who was present to be a member of a party bound for Fortress Monroe and the army. 16th Our party have mad a very pleasant trip to the front. To City Pointe & Fortress Monroe. April 3rd The war department was hung with flags yesterday and the city in an excited sta[[strikethrough]]g[[/strikethrough]]te generally from the supposition that Gen Grant would in all probability be within the fortifications of Richmond before night. Father & Mr. Patterson who has been with us since Saturday went to the warf for news a number of very badly wounded men had just arrived from Fortress Monroe. One poor fellow had lost both [[strikethrough]]arms[[/strikethrough]] legs and one arm all were very seriously injured. Henry Smith came to call in the evening He was on his way to New Orleans to join he regiment. He had been recruiting his strength at home after an imprisonment [[end page]]