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a mock trial of Mr. Patterson, who was arrested by Gen. Custer, the officer in command of that district a pleasant gentleman who has seated at my side amused us all very much & made us forget the [[claims?]] of appetite.  Mr. Patterson's own boots had been missing when he made his toilet and the pair placed at his door wh. he had put on were claimed by a young man whom we had designated [[underline]][["Bostony"??]][[/underline]] being the only rep. from that hub of the universe.  The speech made on the occasion were very witty and some ^[[of]] them really eloquent.  I was fortunate in being in the center of the impromptu court and so heard them all.  The groom John [[?]] that my [[partnership?]] and slipping it into Mr. PP. pocket and on sending for it. it ^[[was]] found there and acted as a witness against him.  We reached Wytheville in two hours and I almost enjoyed my breakfast under Col. Patterson's
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care.  Passed the remainder of the day in exquisite enjoyment of the mountain scenery.  Sitting in the back of the car.  Stopped at Lynchburg in our old room.
18th  Started at nine o'clock giving up our especial train and car.  The country not very interesting for the first part of the day.  As we approached Richmond McClellan's earth-works and the embankments of the southern soldiers grew thicker and a small stream with low bushes growing close to its edge was pointed out to us as the Chickahominy and made us thrill with the memory of the sad scenes enacted along its banks.  The clamor of the negro drivers of carriages and hack drivers nearly deafened us when we reached the Richmond station.  We drove immediately to the [[strikethrough]]Richmond[[/strikethrough]] Exchange Hotel and after dinner & washing off the dust of travel went to view the city.  We visited the capitol passed through several of the main streets and saw the [[bank?]] district
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