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unusual favor was given & received was comical in the extreme.
Saturday evening before communion.
   I cannot lift my head up low I lie
   Before Thy great & boundless majesty
   I cannot lift my head up still I dare
   To raise my thoughts to Thee my God in prayer

The sins I have committed day by day
The sins that led me from Thee for asking
Now weigh me down yet lowly as I lie
I feel Thy love still bless me from on high

Tomorrow Lord Thy Holy feast is spread
I, even I, would eat Thy children's bread
For presence there the only claims I plead
Thy sovereign mercy to my simple need.

Not to the righteous was Thy mission Lord
Sweet hope to sinners does that thought afford
The love that shows me how unclean I am
Still makes me feel that & that love may live.

Oh all enduring all untiring love
unchanging pure immeasureable love

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Out of Thy fullness
Some of thy grace to this unloving heart

I cannot lift my head up still I dare
To raise my thoughts to Thee my God in prayer
Still dare to love Thee lowly as I lie
And feel Thy love still bless me from on high.

Oct. 23rd  We came home last evening that is Father & I.  We have been away over two months.  We went first to the Catskill Mts. where Father spent a week with us enjoying entire rest & freedom from care  We separated on coming down from the Mts.  Mother & I going to Albany.  Nell & Carry to Princeton & met again in Phil. at the wedding of Stewart Patterson.  Father was engaged in high business at Sandy Hook & did not rech P. in time for the wedding.  I came away with him on Tuesday.  We find the house in great confusion.  It is being repainted.  We eat in the