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[[underline]] Jan [[/underline]] [[underline]] 1868 [[/underline]]
of the wind but in a vertical direction from it.  Said that he had heard a distinct echo wh. could come only from the crest of the waves as no land was near, this was at Sandy Hook on the beach.  The experiments being made along the beach.
Went into the senate after Father's speech Mr. Nye was answering Mr. Doolittle on the reconstruction question.  Prof Twining & Alfred Woodhall here to tea.  Soirees at Mr. Colfax's & Sec. MacColloch's [[?]] architect the gentlemen & Miss G Dr. Gould remained at home.
25th Sat.  Went to the capitol this morning but did not stay long.  Have lost Dr. Barnard Dr. Hall, Prof Newton.  Dr. [[Gower?]] Dr. Lorrey & Miss H. will remain on a few days longer.  Father has gone to [[Nice?]] with Baron
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[[underlined]] Jan [[/underlined]]  [[underlined]] 1868 [[/underlined]]
Gerolt.  We are all tired out with the excitement of the week.
Feb 1st  Sat.  A week of parties &c. &c.  I have not gone out as much as the rest but have done duty as general decorator & dressing maid.  The contest between the President & Stanton continues.
4th  Went to hear Dickens read.  Was much interested in seeing the great novelist but was not especially delighted with his performance.  His delivery of Mr. Pegotty's lament over Emily was well done & greatly affected the feelings of a dog near us who unable to control his emotion gave vent to a loud howl.
8th  Sat.  Another gay week, low necked & high necked parties matinees receptions &c.  We have no guests with us for a wonder.  Stanton has been turned out & reinstated and the contest bet. him & the President & Gen. Grant continues.